Happily, this Gretel does not attempt to eat my head like the last one.
Pattern: Gretel (slouchy), by Ysolda Teague
Yarn: Spectrum hand-dyed wool and tencel from Springwater Fiber Workshop in Alexandria, VA (souvenir yarn) put to good use!
Needles: US7 16" Clover bamboo circular
Start to Finish: September 30 - October 2, 2007
Modifications: Well, it's not really a modification, but I did make one mistake. I realized after having knit the entire ribbed band that I used size 7 needles instead of size 5. I didn't feel like ripping it out, I was a little under gauge, and when i tried it on it seemed to be tight enough, so I left it.
Notes: Having chosen the correct weight of yarn, Gretel II went much more smoothly than Gretel I. Oh, it's such a fun pattern! I loved working the interlocking cables. And I love the yarn -- it was hard to capture the little color variations (there are hints of purple in various places) -- even though it turned my bamboo needles dark grey! I love the hat, too. You see how deliriously happy and almost deranged I look?

Jury's still out as to whether or not I am a hat person. My love for hats is strong and I would wear one every other day if I could, but most of the time I look pretty lame. With Gretel, I can't decide if I look more like a chef or a chic French lady. I wore it to the grocery store the other night and no one looked at me funny, so that's got to be a good sign. Oh well, doesn't matter what other people think anyway, right?

"Euhh, oui? Qu'est-ce que tu veux?!?
It's cute! I love the colour. I find that when it comes to tams and such, pulling them down further helps a lot. But what do I know, I look like a 10 year old in every hat in existence.
WOW!! what a cute hat!!! You look good in it! I wouldn't look good in it. or maybe...very nice indeedy!!
I think it's really cute and looks great on you!
Hildy, I love the hat! You ARE a hat person; I have pics from junior high to prove it :)
Wow, your Gretel turned out so very beautiful, and it looks absolutely fantastic on you! I love the yarn you've been using, it looks so soft and cozy and warm, and what a gorgeous color! Great work!
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