Sabrina Gschwandtner was extremely nice. While she was signing my book, Sophy exclaimed, "She has Flicca in her bag! She knit it in a week!" (Anna Bell is featured in the book -- one of the reasons I wanted it). At first I was mortified and terrified -- I mean, this multi-talented artist just wrote a book about people who knit ROOMS and giant teddy bears out of fiberglass -- what would she think of my mediocre knitting skills?! But she was very complimentary and very sweet and signed my book without mentioning my beet red face.

When I got home, I started reading and had a very hard time putting it down to go to bed. I am really looking forward to reading more, especially to find out how the different profilees classified themselves to her, whether it be "artist", "knitter", "designer", etc. (something Ms. Gschwandnter talked about at Imagiknit). There also appear to be some fabulous patterns -- though I don't know if I'll try the fiberglass teddy bear any time soon.

P.S. Is anyone else fascinated by how many consonants this woman has in her last name? Not since college, when I realized that my good friend's last name contained every single vowel (Hioureas -- count 'em, they're all there) have I been so impressed.
1 comment:
I agee, her book is amazing, and her last name is a veritable feast of consonants!!
- Julie
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