The cool thing about flying and layovers? Lots of free knitting time. I seem to have squeezed out almost an entire Snow White in about a week and a half:

It looks hilariously long and skinny right now, but some test stretching assures me that it will be regular human sized when worn on the body.
I have so many finished projects to blog about right now, but no pictures of any of them! In the past couple of months I have made:
1. A skirt
2. A dress
3. A Clapotis
4. A Spencer-ish top-down raglan sweater
And having them stuck in the purgatory of finished but not photographed is driving me nuts. Unfortunately, I don't know when I'll actually get around to it -- while dealing with the multiple happenings of last week, I also happened to find out that I am being sent to Germany to support some meetings for work....this Saturday. Of course I'm ecstatic about visiting a place I've never been (for free!), but it would be nice to have a bit of a breather first. (Note to self: Quit complaining.)
And because I have no baby of my own (yet), I feel that I must show off the babies of my friends and family at every opportunity. This is my first-cousin-once-removed-in-law, one of the most well-behaved and adorable children in the coterminous United States. I asked if I could bring him home with me, but unfortunately his parents said no. :)
Wow, that is some crazy knitting progress--can't wait to see all your finished objects! Have fun in Germany.
Germany! How awesome - what a great opportunity. Hope the emergency resolved okay. It's tough when everything hits all at once. Snow White looks amazing - I'm looking forward to seeing all of your new knits!
I'm looking forward to seeing those purgatory-floating knits! Your stuff is always great.
Hope all is well, and you're able to enjoy the trip. Germany - that's right near the top of my list of must-see places :)
Have fun!
hey! we missed you last week. Snow White is looking awesome =D
Your Snow White is looking great so far, can't wait to see it. And I can't believe you have that many FOs and no photos... waiting with baited breath, here! Can't wait to see them.
- Julie
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