Pattern: Deep V Argyle Vest, by Eunny Jang
Size: 32
Yarn: Jo Sharp Classic DK Wool, 3 skeins of Silk, 4.5 skeins of Amethyst
Needles: US 4 circs
Start to Finish: August 24 - October 17, 2008
Mods: The deep V looks awesome on Eunny (and many others out there in blogland who have made this vest). But I knew that I didn't quite have enough up there to pull off such a plunging neckline, so I modded the V to start a bit higher (21 rounds higher to be exact), then increased the frequency of decreases (every 4 rows instead of every 5) to catch up. An unplanned mod came when I hit the right length of armhole before completing all of the V decreases -- therefore, I ended the vest about 15 rows before I was supposed to, making the shoulder straps wider than designed. This is one thing I don't love about the vest -- I feel like those straps are wide and bulky from the folded under steeks (see picture below) -- but my hair covers them when it's down, so no biggie. I also don't generally walk around with my hands on my hips, which helps.

The other modification I made was to cast on for the size 34, then do some extra decrease rounds to get down to the size 32 waist. This made the bottom a little wider and the vest longer in general, which is something I'm finding I need to do to most fitted garments to make them fit right (see also Snow White).
Notes: So I steeked this thing on an airplane. That was an adventure! The light was low, I was crammed in a tiny seat, and there was an "active" 2 year old sitting next to me -- making sure I cut the right stitches was more than a little nerve wracking and I was practically drenched in sweat when I was done. (Note: You can totally take scissors with blades shorter than 4" on a flight. I swear.)
I posted in the beginning of October about how I had run out of purple yarn and, my LYS having also run out, I had to order from elsewhere (a couple times). To my absolute delight, the new purple yarn, though being a completely different dye lot, was indistinguishable from the old. I can't even tell where the change occurred, so I am just going to put all of those nightmares about having to rip back and alternate rows with each dye lot out of my mind altogether.
With all the fair isling and modding and steeking and running out of yarn and picking up of stitches and sewing down of stitches and weaving in of ends, I did not feel like this was the "lazybones" pattern that Eunny originally meant it to be! But boy did it feel satisfying to finish. It was a lot of work, but well worth it to have this cool vest finally hanging in my closet!
ETA: Thank you all so much for the lovely comments about my Shalom Cardi! I have been blushing for days!
Very cute! I've had my eye on this pattern for ages. (I still have never steeked anything!) Thanks for your notes about the fit and modifications... they'll come in handy whenever I find the time to knit this, maybe in about 20 years.
I love the vest - and cannot believe you were steeking on the plane. Living on the edge, huh?
That looks great! (Of course.) Love the colors. :)
Your vest looks awesome on you! Sounds like quite an adventure with a happy ending. Merci!
Gorgeous! This is a knit that I've had on my list for months. Yours looks great, and the mods worked out great.
Great fit....looks fantastic...must admit my jaw dropped at imagining steeking on a plane!
beautiful vest - looks like it fits perfectly.
I had to read "steeked on an airplane" three times - wowza. The vest is fabulous!
Oh, Hilary, it's smashing! Well done, indeed.
Awesome mods to get the perfect fit and I can't imagine this was ever considered by anyone to be a lazybones knit.
I feel relieved for you that the dyelot difference wasn't a problem. That was a lucky break, for sure!
I think this is one of my favorite projects of yours! I love it on you. i think it is perfet. Stunning! I am so glad it al worked out in the end! I may have to make this one myself!
Wow, you made that?! It looks fantabulous. Steeking on a plane - much braver than I'll ever be.
And what I want to know is - who the h. brings an ice pick and a meat cleaver on a plane?
Wow! That is amazing! Great work!
Houston? We have a problem. lol. I keep picking knitting projects that I never even start, then I go to your blog and you've made it! I obviously have good taste, but you bring it to life. Your sweater looks great.
That is beautiful on you! The colors and the fit are so flattering and I think your project is my favorite of all those I've seen so far.
just beautiful, h!
as if you needed it, this vest lengthens you beyond description. i love it.
the colors are fabulous.
i simply cannot fathom doing anything but stockinette knitting on a plane! you are one FEARLESS knitter.
Excellent! Your mods make it perfect on you! You are a brave soul, steeking on a plane. Well, steeking in general, if I'm being honest. Haven't gone there yet. Glad to see all the stress paid off so well!
i have been wanting to ask you...are you on ravelry? i can't find you.
I am dying to make that drops coat that you have in black. I think i may get some yarn after christmas. I may have to call on you for a bit of help...for some reason the pattern is really confusing to me.
i can't believe i missed this!
absolutely gorgeous, hilary. and the colors are perfect.
and like others....steeking on the plane! yikes!
Great vest! I am in awe of your steeking on a plane, as I've never even tried it! That being said, I am (was?) knitting a stranded vest flat, and it's been a pain in my arse...
Steeking on an airplane is the most MacGuyver-esque thing a knitter could be asked to do! And clearly it turned out well, since the vest is supercute!
Fits you like a dream!
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