A walk across the Brooklyn Bridge.

A visit to the MoMA.

A window display outside the MoMA. I think this would be an excellent project if you happen to have tons and tons of roving lying**** around.

American Ballet Theater. There were no curtains on the stage, so we got to see the dancers warming up before the show and during intermissions, their costumes half-covered by leg warmers and sweatshirts. I enjoyed this as much as the performance itself. As an ex-dancer, it also made me really, really, really nostalgic.

Purl Soho! I, like, get their emails and stuff! Beautiful shop. Extremely friendly staff. Very, very tiny. The New York City Yarn Crawl happened to be going on at the time, so I also got a free tote bag. Cool!

Neill taking photos of the Statue of Liberty on the Staten Island Ferry.

The Chrysler Building.

Fancy night at the Met.

St. John the Divine. We went to an organ recital.

The Guggenheim. The building itself is a work of art.

Real Greek Nescafe frappe in Astoria. I tried for years to make a good frappe, but failed. I think you actually have to have Greek blood in you to make it taste good.

Manhattan from the train from Queens.
*I originally wrote "lay" then figured I should look it up to make sure I was getting it right. I wasn't. All those lay/lie lessons over the years and I still don't have it! On the upside, I have effect/affect down pat.
**For me, cameraphone photos are kind of like Polaroids. Of course nothing beats a Polaroid, but I like having a camera with limited capabilities and an inability to adjust anything...sometimes the pictures turn out surprisingly interesting.
***Wonderful, yes, but I'm pretty sure that's where I picked up this devil virus. Either there or the airport.
****Ugh, I just had to look it up again.
sorry to hear that you are down with the flu -- i hope you recover quickly!
love your photos.
Oh no! Feel better soon!
New York is so great! I love looking at people's photos and what they decided to do in the great city:) I hope you are on the mend...
Your NY trip looks like it was fabulous!
Yuck - H1N1 - I knew a few people with it... awful flu. Hope you're feeling better and well enough to knit again soon.
No! Awwww. I'm so sorry. Eat lots of chicken soup and I know you will be feeling much better very soon.
Thanks for sharing your anniversary pictures ~ and I'm so *jealous* of your visit to Purl Soho :)
I think it was the airplane where you got it. If I have to take a flight this Winter I'll be wearing a mask - LOL Note to self: start knitting a mask.
Looks like great fun! Lay/lie always gets me, too.
It sounds like you had a great time on your trip--good thing it all happened before you got sick! (Ignore the fact that you might not be sick at all if you hadn't gone on the trip.) Feel better soon!
i'm sorry you're ill. i empathize completely... in sept when i had the h1n1, i could neither knit nor read for the first five days or so. you know it's bad when you can make use of serious downtime by doing your favorite things.
how fortunate that you have recent and wonderful memories of a vacation with which to busy your mind!* again, happy anniversary... the years go by and yet the love remains.
* i nearly ended that sentence with a preposition. ;)
What a great trip! Well...minus the virus catching. Feel better, soon.
So sorry to hear you have the flu!! that's terrible, get lots of rest and you'll be better in no time. Your photos from NYC are amazing!
- Julie
oh no!! are you feeling any better? Are you taking anything for the fever? I am supposed to get the vaccine sometime soon, hopefully in the next week.
Next time you are in NYC you have to look me up!! Looks like you had plenty to keep yourself busy though.
Feel better soon!
Wow, i don't think I've ever seen a more perfectly planned New York trip. So exciting!
oh, boo. i'm sorry you feel lousy. i hope you start feeling well enough to do some knitting while you're home getting better. (great pictures, btw.)
i'm thinking healthy thoughts and sending them your way.
What an exciting trip - and great photos! I hope your memories help your through this lousey flu! Take care!
What a lovely trip! I hope you feel better soon. Heal up and watch that trash tv :)
oh, no. i am so sorry you were so sick.
you guys are so cute and I love all of your photos!
The lie/lay thing still gets me, too. I always stop in the middle of my sentence and ask my mom. (How do moms always know??).
I, too, have been trying to make a good frappe since our first Greece trip, but also with no luck. It's not that complicated, but so easy to screw up. Looks like we just need to make a trip out of it (in the name of frappe, of course).
mothereffing swine flue - i've had it twice this year, i swear. the original and the mutation. YUCK and UGH and I'm so sorry you're sick. oh well, you'll get better and be more plague resistant in the future.
aaaahhh, nostalgia. horses do it for me.
and this question is totally nosy, so ignore if you prefer - how old is your husband?
Wow, you're right; cell phone photography is really like a new generation of Polaroid!
I really hope you feel better soon/now. At least good enough to knit! What good is sick time if not for knitting and movies?
oh no! Feel better soon - at least it looks like you had a nice trip and will have some good memories of the Weekend Before The Flu. In the meatime, those hot toddies sure do work :-) And trashy TV.
i had to stop by and tell you that i saw your comment on team knit's blog. the sweater will probably take two weeks-at most! i think you should cast on. i am squeezing in one more project for myself before the holiday knitting starts too. have you seen the pattern for heroine? i am in love! so, maybe if you knit something for yourself too, i won't feel so guilty...
wonderful pics....
and i am so glad you are feeling better!
you TWO are SO cute!!!
i giggled at the lay/lie. i STILL have a problem.
i have been known to think of another word..(what that is...i can't think of right now)... i just can't EVER seem to remember that rule!
oh i love Purl Soho. I go there every time I'm on the East coast and in NY.
I had the flew on the (boy) honeymoon in Chicago. I felt your pain. :(
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