So on to some knitting. Here's the Cubba I made earlier this year:

I'll say again that this is one of the cutest and most fun baby hat patterns I've made and the Wee Woolly Toppers collection is fantastic.
I did have a little trouble joining the top of the hat in a graceful way...

But in black, and atop the head of a chubby baby, I'm hoping no one will notice.
And because I just have to...a gratuitous naked baby shot that I'm sure he'll be mortified about when he's 18:
**ETA: I wrote this post too fast and, upon reflection, realized this statement is totally obnoxious. What is a perfect baby, anyway?? Trust me, there are days I want to pull my hair out because I can't figure out why he won't stop crying, or it will take 6 tries and a tag-team effort to get him to go to sleep. But where we feel we're so lucky is that Daniel is healthy and thriving and meeting developmental milestones. This is my conundrum as a blogger: how to write positive statements without sounding braggy??
sooo sweet. love that hat on him! glad to hear things are going well!
I'm a new aunt, and I think my niece is perfect. Sure I'm not thrilled when she spits up on me, hangs on my hair, leaves presents in her diaper, cries for no apparent reason, but that's all part of being a baby, right? I don't think you should feel like you have to apologize for being excited about and proud of your baby. Revel in his perfection. You made a person!!!
brag away dear! it is every mother's right and if people can't understand, well, shucks. people who make people are the luckiest people . . .
and what a darling! he looks perfect to me :o)
What a cutie! He's beautiful and utterly braggable-about. Glad to hear you're all doing well.
What Cecilia said: brag away! It's quite all right! If you didn't feel as if you had the world's best baby, I would worry that something was wrong. Cute hat, btw.
BRAG, BRAG, BRAG! And then brag some more!
Because he is:
1) Yours
2) Ridiculously good looking
3) Healthy
4) A full-time job
5) Yours!
Don't ever apologize for bragging about your child(ren). If you didn't, there would be cause for concern! Everyone that's been a mother, understands the wonder of seeing (sitting and staring at), touching, holding, and caring for a child that is wanted and loved. Be warned, that urge to brag won't end when he moves into all the different ages and stages! My son, and my baby, is 39 and I still am so proud of him and will brag every chance I get! :-) Your little guy is such a cutie and I love that hat on his head.
Google isn't too cooperative lately in letting me post comments, so I have turned to being "Anonymous.".......Judi A.
a totally cute hat, and a totally cute baby!! Regarding your note at the end, I think you go right ahead and brag away. It's normal to be proud of the little being you made, that's an amazing thing. If it helps at all, I only stop reading blogs when it becomes entirely about the baby, and no other content is posted on any other subject (i.e., knitting, general life activities, aspirations, etc).
what a beautiful baby! and very cute pattern
p.s. he's thoughtful in the first pic...:))
Oh my gosh! I LOVE new babies! He is so sweet in his handknit hat!
I hear you on the sit and stare thing, my oldest is 10 and I still can't believe I made her ;O)
Your baby is beautiful!
And you need as many embarrassing pics as possible, you might need them for blackmail when they're teenagers. ;)
As a grandmother you are doing a great job, don't beat yourself up for what you post. It is real for you, and it varies from child to child. I love reading about how you are doing. My Granddaughter is now 5 months, trust me we have gone through the "they wake up every 5b min" to "oh, my gosh she slept 7 hrs. You are doing great and yes you are fortunate, and do not beat yourself up over it.
I totally understand what you mean! I remember the 'growth spurt' crying jags like they were this morning. When my babies kept throwing me curve balls and I was soooo tired. But beautiful yours is indeed! He looks so sharp and bright, like he is much older. What a cutie! It is really warm here, so I imagine Daniel is not wearing too many sweaters but your topper is really cute on him. It sounds like he is a happy baby. XX
Think of it as enthusiasm! You're enthused about your baby. He's adorable, and you love him. Go for it.
Such great photos! You're very down-to-earth, so don't worry about "bragging". I know there's a bit of a, shall we say, conflict of interest? that appears present in making any statement about your own child; don't think twice about it. I'm very happy to hear all this good news - how else would I find out if not from the #1, direct source of all news baby? :)
Oh yes, and the knitting: the hat is fab. Black yarn does wonderful things! (and I really love that you're not afraid of black yarn for baby things. That's the way I would go, myself!)
Enjoy all of these moments! You earned bragging're a new mom. All of us, mothers, totally understand and don't see it as obnoxious. Honestly, it made me smile as I read it. My girls are teens now and I still feel such intense pride and joy knowing that I created those amazing people! See it just happened, oh well what's a mother to do!?!
Your little Res Completa has the best facial expressions! I can't wait to see more as he develops. (Hint, hint).
(can never figure out this Anonymous, or Open ID, etc. thing)
no, he's perfect. most handsome baby ever! (just don't tell my sister-in-law) :P miss you.
Go ahead and brag!! He's your son, of course he's a genius and the most handsome baby anyone has ever seen! He's perfect, tell the world, for pete's sake. As long as you're not comparing him to someone else's perfect baby, no one will mind. I certainly wouldn't, after all, my baby is perfect, too. :)
The best response when someone coos, "Oh, he's so cute!" is of course, "He IS, isn't he?" with a big grin.
You don't sound 'braggy'--you sound like a mom! I still brag about my kids and one of them is 23 now.
BTW I love the way he is looking up at you while he's getting his bath.
He's so cute, and I can see you smiling down at him in one of the first few pictures where he is modeling the hat.
A happy mom and a happy baby!
Oh my gosh! What a beautiful baby! Most handsome baby ever!
Homeowner Insurance
it's ok Hil. you don't sound smug, which a lot of other bloggers do, they just can't help it. and you can't help NOT sounding smug. so don't worry about it. cute hat, cute baby. you made them!!! whoooo!!!
I'm with the others - brag away, that's your job as a new parent! It's a little less attractive when the kids are older, but not a problem at this age.
(BTW, I still look at my daughter and marvel that we made a person, and she's 10 now!)
Thank you for sharing-you describe the sheer joy & wonder so well :)
My mom tells other dog owners that they have the second smartest, cutest dog in Marin. It's good that we feel kinda like that about our kids,too. Please keep sharing!
Great hat and, as others have said, he is your baby and so of course he is perfect! You don't sound obnoxious at all.
What is obnoxious is when random strangers ask you if you have a "good baby," as if some are good and some are bad. Daniel sounds pretty perfect to me!
You don't need to say even on braggy word. Just keep posting pictures, because after all, one picture is worth a thousand words. In any case, it's obvious, that he is perfect. Good job, Mom!
Brag about your perfect baby Hillary... we all have and he's supposed to be perfect to you anyway. Also... as far as sleeping goes.... did you try putting him in the car seat at 2 in the morning and then driving nonstop up Rt. 1 while playing the Grateful Dead until he falls asleep, then pull over, turn off the car and fall asleep yourself and then terrify your partner when dawn comes and you walk in with the little charmer? My husband's approach made me crazy. He took to walking through town instead with the little guy in the snuggli, meeting other fathers at 2 am in the same situation. The little guy is almost 20 and still has crummy sleep habits. But..he got into college anyway.
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