In my time as a knitter, I have compiled quite the collection of swatches. Part of it is that I just can't get myself to throw away anything that I could ever use for a craft-related purpose. Another part is that saving swatches helps me remember how certain stitch patterns look in certain yarns with certain needles. And yet another is that looking at them is like going back in time -- feeling a swatch brings back so many memories of the time when I was knitting it. Sometimes I can even remember what I was watching or listening to at the time.

I've arrived at the point where my swatches can barely be contained by the box I've assigned to hold them and I'm wondering what to do. Sew them together into a blanket? Put them in a folder and make a little history book? Have any of you ever done anything interesting with your old swatches?
I am in awe and a bit inspired. Honestly, many times I need my swatch yarn because I have juuuust enough- so it gets unraveled. I am a little jealous of your collection, though.
I don't have an answer for you because I always keep my swatch attached to the ball and tear it out when I've determined needle size for my project. (I think a piece of wall art from them might be pretty and inspiring.) But I do have a question for you that I've been pondering about swatching. How do you swatch?
As in, how are you able to designate those yards of yarn for a little square that's not part of your project? Do you ever find yourself buying extra fiber to ensure there's enough for a swatch and the project?
I find it hard to wrap my head around this while at the same time I'm beginning to realize the importance of swatching fully, including binding off and blocking.
Oh my gosh, your collection of swatches is amazing! I'm seriously voting that you seam them all together into the best blanket ever.
I say blanket also. I am not a swatcher at all, so this is uncharted territory for me. LOL
I'm still a pretty new designer, so I only have a few swatches floating around...but I've been wondering exactly the same thing. What the heck am I going to do with these things?! I've been thinking about a blanket, or framing them in little frames and hanging them like art :)
I'm thinking you could make a knit book with different textures for baby to play and investigate... probably not all of them, but maybe four per page, on each side, or something like that. And the wall art seems a great idea, too. (Silent reader saying Hi!)
I haven't done this yet, but I've been thinking about sewing my swatches onto a plain canvas bag to make my own patchwork "knitting bag". I have fond memories too with the projects the swatches have led to, so I've thought this would be a fun way to get some use out of them.
I had a knitter friend way back when who made a sweater for her baby boy out of swatches. She sewed the swatches together to create a a simple boxy (as you can imagine) boat neck sweater. It was adorable.
I think making a blanket out of them would be fantastic. You'd have something you can use and the swatches would be out where they could be enjoyed.
Those are quite a pile of lovelies. I have never done anything with my swatches, but vote for a blanket!
You are a much better knitter than I. It takes part of my soul away to swatch, but I do it nonetheless. Joylessly. With a sadface. But, I don't keep them (which could be filed under the wth column. Why do the work and not keep it?!) As for creative usage for the multitude of lovely swatches you have, I would say possibly pockets, as in, wee pockets, sewn onto a piece of fabric. Used possibly as a cute: calendar, mail organizers, or just wee odds and ends. That's as creative as I can be before lunchtime!
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