1. Christmas
Well, Christmas was insane. We had a wonderful time with my family, but my the way we do things was exhausting with a baby. See, both of my parents are from the same area where I grew up and most of both families are still there, too, so we spend both Christmas Eve and Christmas day with both sides. I just counted -- we had no fewer than eight separate events, in two towns a half hour apart, over the two days. How Daniel napped at all is beyond me. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely loved seeing so much family and introducing them to the little guy. But it was a lot.
But Daniel was a trooper and looked pretty cute doing it.

Hide the keys.

Why yes, we did get almost-matching jammies from Santa. Neill got some too, which I am not allowed to share on the internet. But oh how I wish I could.

Daniel loves any and all modes of transportation.
2. Secret Publication Knitting
Through it all, and also adding to the radio silence, I had two publication pieces to knit and write patterns for by the beginning of January. And then after sending off the second one, I was so bummed to see it go that I had to knit myself another one. That's a whole month's worth of knitting that I'm not allowed to show anyone.
3. New Website!
You may notice that The Yarniad has undergone a complete makeover. My amazing, fantastic, dear friend, Brenda, has been doing the design work and I am in love. The site is allllmost done, and it makes me so happy every time I look at it. I've been doing a lot of digital organizing, too, so there is now a dedicated patterns page, projects page, FAQ area, etc. This is something I've been wanting to do for awhile and it's been really fun carrying it out.
4. New Logo!
Do you see my new Yarniad logo?! Brenda did that, too. The cirle-y bit is an abstract yarn ball that also echoes the ceiling of the Pantheon...I think it looks like an atomic symbol, too, which pays homage to my sciencey day job. I love Brenda!
5. Flickr Group
What else? Ah! In all the website-excitement, I also created a Flickr group where you can add photos of things you've knit from Yarniad patterns. The images feed right to the sidebar here. Come join and show off your work!
6. Citron Licenses and Pattern Copies
After being contacted several times by folks who either would like to sell finished Citrons, include copies of the pattern in yarn kits, etc., I am now offering a home business license ($30 for unlimited, all-you-can-knit access) as well as a wholesale pdf of the pattern ($2 a pop). I hope to put both up on the site for instant-downloadability soon, but for now, please e-mail if you're interested!
7. Colds and Various Ickiness
Since it got "cold", either Daniel or I has been sick at least every other week. Neill somewhat less frequently. I thought breastfeeding was supposed to give him an unstoppable immune system! I guess the only thing unstoppable is the petri dish that is his daycare classroom.
8. Downton Abbey
It's amazing, right?
9. Etc.
I've said this several times, but I will be getting back into a (more) regular blogging groove and getting this post up was half the battle. Thanks for stopping by -- I appreciate everyone who has ever read a single post here more than I'll ever be able to say. I hope you're having a great 2012 so far, and hope to see you again here very soon!
You've certainly been one busy girl! I LOVE your mother/son matching pj's, would totally love to see a family pj shot but completely understand that the hubby might not appreciate that. :) The site looks fantastic, great work!
the blog/website redesign is AWESOME. as are those PJs. thank you for sharing those with us on the internet! happy 2012!
Glad you're back, Daniel is so adorable! And the striped pjs are awesome. Love the new website, just keep posting whenever you can. Momhood takes priority!
The new design looks awesome. I'm glad you're back!
I love the new look, and it's great to see you back :) However, as a mother of two, I totally understand if things get hectic and you fall below the radar for a little bit. Family first :)
I think your re-entry post is just perfect!!! Gotta love those stripy jammies ~ very Dr. Seuss :))) Congratulations on the new blog and logo ~ both look fantastic! Coincidentally I've been thinking about knitting Citron lately and think I finally have the right yarn ~ happy I am.
Hi there - I found you through your interview over at Suzy's Sitcom and had to come over and see more of your fabulous knitting!
Your designs are beautiful!!
Jill @ Creating my way to Success
Daniel's so cute, and the jammies are great! Congrats on the upcoming patterns -- can't wait to see them. The new design is lovely, but I'm not sure about the caps on the Latin. That said, I'm a classicist and an editor, not a web design guru!
wow! very cool things happening here. Daniel is getting so tall!! So nice to catch up to you and your fun blog. I have two knits to add to the project page, yipee!
A. xx
I really like your new web site! No stress on the blogging! We are just happy when you update it!
Your new site and logo look lovely. And I'm glad to see another post from you. Although if you've just started Downton Abbey, we might not hear from you again for some time!
Your new logo and site are wonderful!
I've been a "bad blogger" this past year, and so have several others that I know. Do you think that other social media have caused this? Facebook has such an instant response and casts to a generally wider audience of people that you know, and I don't do Twitter, but I can only imagine it's even more that way. And then there are the ravelry forums... some of them are extremely active.
Oh, and life, the real living of it...
(and those pjs were the first thing I noticed!)
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