Friday, January 4, 2013

A Mini-Parade of FO's

Happy New Year!  I hope you've had a wonderful week and great start to the year.

In the lead-up to Christmas, I never imagined I'd have time to start, let alone finish, any knitted gifts.  But then I got stuck trying to figure out what to get some of Daniel's neighborhood friends and just bit the bullet and did it.  The nice thing about knits for toddlers is that you can usually finish one in just a few episodes of The Real Housewives (er, I mean PBS News Hour. Yeah, that.). 

Here's my little set of FO's, minus one Nola Petite for Daniel's sweet friend Megan that was wrapped and given before I could pull out the camera (and by camera I mean phone).

The scarves are simple, length-wise Garter Stitch knit scarves, each about 48" long.  The dark blue one on the far left goes with a cashmere Doodie:

And the light green one is another Doodie in the same yarn, which I didn't have quite enough of, so I skipped the slouchy increases and made it a bit shorter.  I love this pattern.  So much.  The bobble is just too adorable.

The scarves were made from odds and ends -- I was able to use up 4 partial, taking up precious space, balls of yarn, which made me very happy.

And for my own little toddler, a pair of mini-Hopsalots.

The above bunny has rarely left his side for the past 9 months, so I thought he'd like some littler bunnies to keep that one company.

They've been getting along famously.

Remember, you can still get 15% off everything in my Etsy shop (including Citron kits and pattern packs) through this Sunday!  Just enter the code NEWYEAR at checkout.

Have a fantastic weekend!


Margo said...

oh my goodness, i LOVE the slippers! I'm totally inspired by your use of leftover yarn in your stash. I was just reorganizing mine, wondering what on earth I was going to do with it all- now I know! Hope you had a great holiday :)

Suzanne said...

I love the projects. I especially appreciate the stash busting but what tickled me most was your parentheticals.

Evelyn said...

What terrific gift knitting you did! The slippers are too cute!

Teresa said...

So cute! I love the slippers.
You're very kind to knit up so many gifts :)

Jodi said...

Those slippers are absolutely adorable! I love the wee hats, too -- lucky kids getting cashmere handknits.